What's with the Blue?

Since everything starts with why....

There were many reasons we decided to name our company BLUE DREAM HR. The primary explanation starts with the many reasons that personally resonated with our founders Mike and Jenny.

Years ago, we were fortunate for a mentor of ours to take us through a coaching process called "True Colors". This assessment is similar to DiSC, and simply uncovers the personal and business success keys based on the spectrum of unlocking your unique attributes that begin to allow you to see yourself and others in a new light, learning to improve relationships at home, at work and in life. These colors are in four quadrants: Green, Yellow, Orange and BLUE. Jenny and Mike both scored extremely high in the BLUE quadrant that by it's nature is high in EMPATHY, RELATIONSHIPS, SKILLED IN PEACEMAKING, AUTHENTIC, SPIRITUAL, CULTIVATES POTENTIAL IN OTHERS, SEEKS A LIFE OF SIGNIFICANCE AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE. When we formed Blue Dream HR, it was obvious that the industry of HR, Business Consulting, and working in this space is full of rules, regulations, legislations and legal requirements, along with a sigma of being cold and focused more on profits, avoiding litigation, and not as focused on the "humans" in Human Resources. We set out to focus on our own DNA of being "BLUE" and all the qualities that make a real impact by bringing these values into every single thing we do and why we do it.